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Children’s Dentist in Noosa

smiling kid in dentist chairEnsuring your child has the best foundation for a lifelong, healthy smile is one of our priorities at Morton Dental. Teaching children how to care for their teeth should start as early as possible to prevent early childhood decay and protect their teeth. While kids may be uneasy when first meeting the dentist, developing a good relationship is essential.

We offer a low-pressure environment where we spend time with each child, helping them feel comfortable. They can even enjoy watching their favourite show during their appointment.


Visiting Us for the First Time

How care looks for your child depends on their age when they first visit our clinic. The initial appointment is often just a chance to meet our dentist, explore the office, and sit in the dentist’s high-tech chair so they become accustomed to it.

If your child seems comfortable, the dentist may quickly inspect their teeth and gums and discuss how best to brush them. Our family-friendly dentists are fantastic at connecting with kids so they can get the care they need.

We Make Oral Health Fun!

It’s important for kids to learn how dentists keep not just gums and teeth healthy but also how good oral health helps keep their bodies healthy overall.

With topics like Brushing 101, But I Hate Flossing, and Dental Fun Facts, we know your kids – and some parents too – will want to give our online classroom a try. Test your knowledge and see if you can outsmart our dental brain busters!

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)

With the health of children’s smiles something we’re passionate about, we are happy to cover up to $1,132 over two calendar years for basic dental services under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). The services we cover include:

  • Checkups
  • X-rays
  • Cleanings
  • Fissure sealings
The cap amount is indexed annually on 1 January, and the increase in cap amount only applies to a child or teen who received their first eligible service in that calendar year.

Understanding How CDBS Works for Your Child

We recognise navigating programs like the CDBS can sometimes be confusing, so we are happy to help each step of the way. To break it down further:

  • You can claim up to $1,132 for each eligible child over two consecutive calendar years. As we’ve noted, this begins on 1 January of the year your child becomes eligible and receives their first dental service.
  • You can use the full amount of $1,132 in the first calendar year, but you will not have funding left over for the second year in this scenario. If you don’t use the full allotment in the first year, you can use it in the second year if your child is still eligible.
  • If you don’t use the total amount within two calendar years, you aren’t able to use the remaining funds. You must wait for a new two-year period to start. If funding is left over after your child loses eligibility, you cannot access those funds.

Services not covered under CDBS include orthodontic and cosmetic dental work and dental services in a hospital.

Online Classroom

brushing 101 Quiz
Take the Quiz
Advance Brushing Quiz
Take the Quiz
Hate Flosing Quiz
Take the Quiz
Dental Fun Quiz
Take the Quiz
Child Dental Quiz
Take the Quiz
No Cavities Quiz
Take the Quiz

Something to Smile About

Your child’s first visit to the dentist is significant, so we go out of our way to ensure that it’s a special one. We want them to have something to smile about when they leave. Book their first consultation today!

* Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Children’s Dentist Noosa Heads, Noosa Junction, Noosaville QLD | (07) 5455 3577