New Patients at Morton Dental
When you visit our comprehensive dental practice for the first time, you’ll experience a team that puts you first. Our highly experienced dentists are attentive to your needs. We’re willing to listen to your concerns and offer honest advice.
Your First Appointment
Your new patient visit will be a time when we get to know you and answer any questions you may have. We’ll take a set of X-rays and perform a comprehensive exam at this appointment. These steps allow us to evaluate your oral health and screen for potential needs. If you’re due for a scale and clean, we’ll complete one on the same day as time allows.
If you’re in pain or have a specific concern, that will be our priority. In most cases, we can start treatment straightaway. Otherwise, we’ll take steps to get you comfortable and plan to schedule treatment at a follow-up appointment.
Same-day emergency dental appointments are available on a limited basis.
Before starting any type of procedure, we’ll discuss your insurance coverage and payment options available. New patients who are members of Medibank, BUPA, HCF, TUH and NIB can enjoy added savings and gap-free first visits.
We’re Preferred Providers
We are preferred providers for Medibank, HCF, NIB, TUH and Bupa and offer bulk billing for Medicare CDBS eligible patients. All claims can be processed via Hicaps on the day of your visit. Be sure to bring your valid health fund card to your first appointment. Efficient, affordable oral health services have never been so easy to access!

Request Your First Visit
Need a new, affordable family dentist? Patients of all ages are welcome. Contact us today to request an appointment.