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Oral Care Tips for Kids

closeup of toddler's teethA blend of at-home dental care habits and consistent dental visits lays the foundation for a child’s oral health.

Here are some guidelines for parents to aid their kids in preserving healthy teeth and gums:

Early Initiatives

Begin Early: As soon as the first tooth emerges, softly clean it using a moist, soft cloth or a toothbrush tailored for infants.

Establish a Habit: Cultivate a regular dental care habit consisting of a minimum of two brushing sessions daily, ideally after breakfast and before sleep.


Fundamentals of Brushing

Introduce Fluoride Toothpaste: When your child can spit (usually around the age of two), introduce a small quantity of fluoride toothpaste (about the size of a rice grain) to their toothbrush.

Aid in Brushing: Until they acquire the motor skills required for effective brushing, typically by ages 6 or 7, your child will require your assistance brushing their teeth.

Select an Appropriate Toothbrush: Ensure your child uses a soft-bristled, kid-sized toothbrush that fits their age and mouth size.

Start Flossing: The moment your child has two adjacent teeth, you can begin flossing. This habit assists in removing food remnants and plaque stuck between teeth.

Hydration and Balanced Diet

Encourage a Nutritious Diet: Promote a well-rounded diet rich in fruits, vegetables, dairy items, and lean proteins, while restricting the consumption of sugary and acidic food and beverages.

Promote Hydration: Frequent water consumption throughout the day can help wash away food particles and maintain saliva production, a vital component of oral health.

Limit Sweet Snacks: Offer nutritious snacks such as fruits and vegetables instead of sweet treats and candies.

Avoid Prolonged Bottle Use: Prevent your child from sleeping with a bottle filled with sweet liquids like milk or juice to avoid early childhood dental decay.

little boy brushing teeth

Instruction and Reinforcement

Teach and Supervise: Impart the importance of oral hygiene to your child, explaining the necessity of brushing and flossing. Oversee their oral care habits until they can manage it on their own.

Model Good Behaviour: Demonstrate your dedication to oral health by maintaining your own dental hygiene routine and eating a healthy diet.

Encourage Positively: Praise and motivate your child’s efforts towards maintaining good oral health. Make dental care a pleasant and positive experience.

Consistent Dental Appointments

Plan Regular Dental Appointments: Schedule your child’s inaugural dental visit around their first birthday and continue with routine check-ups every 6 to 12 months.

Discuss Fluoride Treatments: Speak with your dentist about the appropriateness of fluoride treatments or dental sealants for your child. These preventative measures can strengthen their teeth.

Additional Suggestions

Advocate for Mouthguards: If your child engages in sports, a custom-made mouthguard can protect their teeth during physical activities.

Prepare for Emergencies: Educate yourself about how to handle dental emergencies. Immediately contact your dentist if your child injures their teeth or mouth.

Preserve Your Child’s Healthy Smile

Contact Morton Dental today to arrange an appointment for your child!

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